Perbandingan Pewarnaan Periodic Acid Schiff (PAS) McManus dan Gomori’s Methenamine Silver (GMS)-Phloxine Tartrazine pada Infeksi Jamur (Candidiasis, Basidiobolomycosis, Mucormycosis) dalam Jaringan


  • Arthur Pohan Kawilarang


Pengecatan PAS McManus’, Pengecatan GMS-Phloxine Tartrazine, Candidiasis, Basidiobolomycosis, Mucormycosis


Fungi are often a major problem of infectious diseases in tropical countries with high humidity. Often sufferers are not aware of and underestimate this fungal disease, if left unchecked then handling that is not fast or wrong can worsen the sufferer's condition. The usual method of diagnosing the fungus is by culturing and staining the tissue. This study used PAS McManus staining with the addition of light green color and the addition of Tratrazine ploksin to GMS staining, on paraffin block candidiasis, Basidiobolomycosis, and Mucormycosis 3-5 micron thick tissues. The results showed that PAS McManus staining was very clear in contrast giving a red magenta color to the hyphae with a green background, whereas in GMS-PT staining it was also very clear to see black hyphae with a yellow background.


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